I can’t say much for this family as I don’t know them but I used to work for excessively wealthy people in various jobs and they were some of the saddest people I ever met. They didn’t know themselves or the members of their own family in any kind of real way. One particularly ridiculous man once gave me a $50 bill to run out and grab a carton of milk, saying with a straight face “I think this will cover it”. The line about knowing the price of milk in Succession made me laugh so hard after that.
I can’t tell you what the tipping point is but I’ve worked for very “comfortable” people too and that was the amount of money you really want to have- no anxiety about medical bills, good but not ridiculously elite schools, a mix of eating at home and at restaurants etc…
I’m not shedding tears over billionaires psychological issues, not one bit, but I know enough to know that that excess should not be anyone’s goal and the world would be a much better place if it wasn’t run by these miserable people.
And yes, San Francisco is really sad now.